To install data duplication, you have two ways to choose from. You can install data duplication through Server Manager or through PowerShell. Let’s take a look at each way. To install data deduplication by using Server Manager:
- On the Windows Server 2022 system, open Server Manager.
- Click the Add Roles And Features link.
- At the Before You Begin screen, click Next.
- At the Select Installation Type screen, choose role- based or feature- based installation and then click Next.
- Choose the server where you want to install Data Duplication and click Next.
- On the Select Server Roles screen, select File and Storage Services ➢ File And iSCSI Services and then select the Data Deduplication option (shown in Figure 11.17). Click Next.
- Click Next at the Selected Features screen.
- Click the Install button once you’ve confirmed that all options are correct.
- Once completed, close Server Manager.
Understanding Data Duplication
FIGURE 11.17 Selecting Data Deduplication
To install data deduplication by using PowerShell:
- Click the Start button, then click Windows PowerShell ➢ More ➢ Run As Administrator.
- In the Windows PowerShell console, enter the following commands (one at a time) followed by the Enter key: Import- Module ServerManager
Add- WindowsFeature – name FS- Data- Deduplication
Import- Module Deduplication
After you have installed data duplication, you must then enable it on the servers. To enable data duplication in Server Manager, you would need to complete the following steps:
- In Server Manager, click File And Storage Services.
- Click Volumes. On right side, click the volume where you want to set up Data Duplication. Right- click the volume and choose Configure Data Deduplication (see Figure 11.18).
FIGURE 11.18 Enabling Data Deduplication
3. The New Volume Deduplication Settings Wizard will start. From the Data Deduplication pull- down, choose General Purpose File Server (shown in Figure 11.19). Enter the number of days that should elapse from the date of file creation until files are deduplicated (I used 3 days), enter the extensions of any file types that should not be duplicated (I used .exe), and then click Add to browse to any folders with files that should not be deduplicated ( I included \test share). Click OK once completed. You can also set a deduplication schedule by clicking the Set Deduplication Schedule button.
Monitoring Data Deduplication
Finally, after data deduplication is installed and configured, you will want to monitor the progress of the data deduplication jobs. To do this, you can run the following PowerShell commands (these commands will show you the status of the duplication process):
Get- DedupStatus
Get- DedupVolume
Configuring File Server Resource Manager